Weekly bin plan being considered

New government bin proposals could impact on collections in Blackpool, Fylde and WyreNew government bin proposals could impact on collections in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre
New government bin proposals could impact on collections in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre
All homes will have weekly food waste collections and be able to recycle the same rubbish, under government plans.

Ministers are also consulting on bringing in a deposit return scheme for drinks bottles and cans, to boost recycling rates and cut litter, and for a tax on plastic packaging which has less than 30 per cent recycled content.

Under the plans household recycling, which currently varies from council to council, would become more consistent.

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Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde councils say they are aware of the plans and are considering their responses.

Glass bottles and containers, paper and card, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, and steel and aluminium tins and cans would be collected from all homes.

The colours of the bins to collect recycling, food and garden waste and rubbish could also be standardised.

And by 2023 rules would be brought in for local authorities to provide homes with at least a weekly separate collection service for food waste, including the containers and liners needed to take away people’s food rubbish.

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A Fylde Council spokesman said: “We will be reviewing these proposals along with the other Lancashire Districts as part of the Lancashire Waste Partnership and will be responding to the consultations in due course.”

A Wyre Council officer commented: “The council is aware of the current consultations that were released on February 18 and will be reviewing and formulating responses to these once there has been opportunity to evaluate the proposals.”

Environment secretary Michael Gove, inset, said the proposals would also make Britain a leader in turning its back on a “throw-away” society.