Businesses invited to free county Brexit event

Babs MurphyBabs Murphy
Babs Murphy
A free Brexit conference is to be held organised by the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce.

With only weeks to go until the UK is scheduled to leave the EU, the Chamber is keen to highlight the many key issues that are still unclear for businesses in a ‘no deal’ scenario on March 29.

They include what trade agreements will be in place with countries around the globe, to whether and how firms can move skilled staff between the UK and EU, and which regulations they will need to follow.

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The Brexit conference will be held at Preston Guild Hall on Friday, April 26.

Babs Murphy, chief executive of the Chamber said: “In less than 50 days, businesses could face the biggest change to their terms of trade in over a generation, without the information and clarity they need to navigate their forward course.“Th

ere is a very real risk that a lack of clear, actionable information from government will leave firms, their people and their communities hung out to dry.”

Experts including Kwasi Kwarteng, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the EU will talk.

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