Cheating bully who attacked partner jailed

Preston Crown CourtPreston Crown Court
Preston Crown Court
A cheating man branded as a 'manipulative, violent bully towards women' by a judge has been jailed for 50 weeks.

Judge Jacqueline Beech told Barry Bowen he had to go to prison to “send the message out to other men and women who perpetrate domestic violence” after he admitted attacking his ex partner in front of their 22-month-old child.

Preston Crown Court heard Bowen, 37, of York Road, Bispham, left the mum with a black eye after she found out about his infidelity and suggested he would not be able to see his child.

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At the time of the assault, on October 26 at a property on Westbank Avenue, Marton, they were estranged but she had learned of him cheating on her.

During the struggle she fell down the stairs and was knocked unconscious.

She came to to find his hands around her throat, the court was told. Bowen admitted assault, criminal damage and breach of a suspended sentence order.

Paul Brookwell, prosecuting, said: “She had been made aware that over the course of their relationship the defendant had been with another person.

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“As the conversation became heated she also indicated this would have an effect on his ability to have contact with their son.

“On hearing this the defendant has punched her to the left hand side of her face a couple of times. This caused her to fall to the floor. She recalls the child was present in the room.

“The defendant left the property and she locked the door behind him.

“She went upstairs and it appears the defendant has run back at the house, kicked the front door, and gone up the stairs and there was a further struggle at that point.”

Defending, William Donnelly said the defendant disputed how she fell down the stairs.

Judge Beech said: “Your son was present during the assault, that is an aggravating feature.

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