Creative Support given rating of good by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Creative Support, in Church Street, BlackpoolCreative Support, in Church Street, Blackpool
Creative Support, in Church Street, Blackpool
A service to help people with learning disabilities have been rated '˜good' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Creative Support, in Church Street, Blackpool, was visited by inspectors last month before a report was published.

It said the agency, which looks after people in their own home, is safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led. “People’s care, treatment, and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life, and is based on best available evidence,” it said.

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Staff had a “wealth of experience and were competent, knowledgeable and skilled”, while people “received effective support ... because they were supported by trained staff who had a good understanding of their needs”.

Care was given in a “consistent, effective, timely” manner, while care plans helped people eat and drink enough with choice in a balanced diet.

“When we visited supported houses, we observed staff had a kind, compassionate and respectful approach to people they supported,” the report added.

National charity Creative Support said it manages more than 1,000 homes for tenants with learning disabilities and mental health needs, and has a “person-centred philosophy”.

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