Blackpool: From the courts 10-05-17

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is a round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

Leah Bowker, 24, assault

A woman may be permanently disfigured after she was punched by a fellow reveller as they celebrated the New Year.

Leah Bowker hit another woman with what was described as an “upper cut which exploded her nose”.

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The victim’s nose was fractured in several places and she needed surgery. In a victim’s impact statement to a court she said the injury had affected her breathing and her confidence.

Bowker, a 24-year-old single mother-of-one, of Marlhill Avenue, Grange Park, who works in telesales, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm,

She was sentenced to 26 weeks jail suspended for 18 months, given an 18 month community order with up to 20 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service and ordered to pay her victim £1,000 compensation by magistrates.

Presiding magistrate, David Hearton, told her: “This bench considers the assault was severe. It was deplorable.”

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Prosecutor, Andrew Robinson, said on January 1 in the early hours both women were in the Blackpool’s Revolution Bar when a large scale disturbance broke out.

The victim said Bowker came up to her and lunged towards her saying: “what’s your problem.”

The victim was scared and started walking away but Bowker grabbed her hair, pulled her onto all fours and punched her nose which bled profusely. She was taken to Blackpool Victoria Hospital for treatment.

Howard Green, defending, told magistrates that Bowker said the victim had thrown vodka with chilli in her face which stung her eyes and made her angry.

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Bowker had been drinking for about 12 hours since 3pm that afternoon and had also taken pills and Ketamine. She was not proud about the way she had acted and apologised.

Conrad Swindells, 34, drunk and disorderly and theft

A man was so drunk that when told to get off a busy road by a police officer he tried to get in the patrol car.

Conrad Swindells was described as causing chaos as he kicked out at cars and stopped vehicles in both lanes.

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Swindells, 34, of Albert Road, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and theft.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 30 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, fined £165 and ordered to pay £28 compensation by District Judge David Purcell.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Swindells was reported as causing chaos on the resort’s Buchanan Street, on April 23 at 12.35pm. He was drunk, holding up traffic as he staggered about and struggled violently when he was arrested.

The next day Swindells stole a £130 Samsung monitor from a flat in Dickson Road and then sold it at a second-hand shop.

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Howard Green, defending, said after being released from prison Swindells had abused alcohol and drugs. He was on post prison sentence supervision and his probation officer had helped him get support from drug specialists. He was now on a prescription for the heroin substitute methadone and off illicit drugs.

Mark Rushton, 25, criminal damage

A man has made his first appearance at court accused of causing damage at a bar owned by the grandson of Blackpool Football Club owner Owen Oyston.

Mark Rushton, 25, of Riversway, Layton, pleaded not guilty to causing £500 worth of shrubs and bushes by allegedly pulling them out of a windowbox at the Hellfire Restaurant and Bar belonging to Sam Oyston, on March 10 this year.

Rushton was bailed to June 20 for trial by Blackpool magistrates. He must not go within 50 metres of Hellfire on Blackpool Promenade as a condition of his bail.