Blackpool: From the courts 21-06-18

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

Andrew Lee, 42, theft

A man who stole from stores in Fleetwood after his benefits were stopped was caught after his photograph was put on the police’s Facebook page.

Andrew Lee, 42, of Warren Street, Fleetwood, pleaded guilty to two offences of theft. He was given a 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £50 compensation with £20 victims’ surcharge.

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Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Lee stole six gammon joints valued at £30 from Iceland on Fleetwood’s Lord Street on March 30.

He then took about £20 of bacon and cheese from the One Stop Store, Poulton Road, on April 4.

Still photographs were taken from the shops CCTV and Lee was identified after they were put on the police Facebook page.

Stephen Duffy, defending, said Lee suffered from a lung problem which left him breathless particularly in the mornings. T

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his had led to him missing an appointment for a benefits assessment and as a result his benefits had been sanctioned for three months, so he went out and stole food.

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Wednesday's round-up of cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court 20-06-18

Jason Sims, 33, drunk and disorderly

A drunken man proved an irritant to police trying to investigate a public order offence.

Jason Sims kept returning to the scene despite being asked numerous times to leave by an officer.

Sims, 33, of Queen Street, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly. He was fined £40 and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge.

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Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said police were called to a public order incident at Cheltenham Road, on May 28 about 5.35pm.

Sims and a friend had been drinking all day and the friend was arrested. Sims was repeatedly asked to leave the area but he kept coming back to Cheltenham Road.

David Teelin, 49, theft

Magistrates ordered a case to be halted because they believed the defendant was too ill to carry on.

The court heard David Teelin had recently been involved in a road accident and been in hospital intensive care.

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Teelin, 49, of Claremont Road was due to have given pleas to two allegations of stealing two handbags,shoplifting meat and breaching a probation order.

Teelin had difficulty answering questions when he appeared in the dock and his lawyer Howard Green said his client was taking heavy duty pain relief.

Chairman of the Bench Brian Nicholson said: “We are unhappy about this he appears quite ill.”

He agreed to adjourn the hearing until July 9.

Leigh Burgess, 47, drug-driving, breach of suspended jail sentence and possessing an offensive weapon

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A man was caught drug driving in a Jaguar X-type at Blackpool.

Leigh Burgess, 47, of Newton Drive, Layton, pleaded guilty to driving on Cornford Road, Marton, with 8.3 units of cannabis in his body – the legal limit is 2.

He also admitted being in breach of a suspended prison sentence imposed for wounding and possessing an offensive weapon.

Burgess was bailed for sentence at Preston Crown Court on July 18 and banned from driving in the meantime.

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Jamie McAdam, 30, drunk and disorderly and a public order offence

A man’s drunken behaviour was slammed by a magistrate.

Jamie McAdam abused police officers, hospital staff and members of the public when he was twice taken to accident and emergency in a single day.

McAdam, 30, of Pleasant Street, North Shore, admitted a drunk and disorderly offence and a public order offence.

He was sentenced to a community order with 25 days rehabilitation, an eight week curfew and must pay £270 costs.

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The chairman of the bench said: “I have sat as a magistrate for some time and this was one of the most disgusting behaviours I have come across. You are a disgrace.”

Kerry Grieve, prosecuting, said police were called to a street disturbance where McAdam was shouting at a group of men.

He was arrested and continued to misbehave and swear at the police station.

He had been drinking heavily and told police he had taken tablets.

They took him to hospital where he spat at the wall.

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McAdam was released from custody later in the day but was re arrested after a domestic incident.

One again he said he had taken pills and was taken to accident and emergency a second time where he repeated his abuse in front of sick people waiting to see a doctor and was arrested once more.