Blackpool: From the courts 28-02-18

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.
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Blackpool: From the courts 27-02-18

Stephen Ferris, 48, theft

A shoplifter told police he had not remember committing offences because he had been under a haze of either drugs or drink.

Stephen Ferris, who had a criminal record of 105 previous offences for theft or similar offences, targeted the same store three times and stole razor blades valued at £368.

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Ferris, 48, of General Street, North Shore, pleaded guilty to three offences of theft.

He was sentenced to 70 days jail suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay £368 compensation by District Judge Jeff Brailsford.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Ferris stole razor blades from Wilko, Talbot Road, on October 11 18 and 20.

Ferris committed the first offence at Wilko only two days after being released from prison for offences of shoplifting and assault.

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He was caught on CCTV at Wilko and apprehended after police recognised him from the footage.

When interviewed Ferris said he could not recall stealing three times from the store as he had been constantly under the influence of either drugs or drink.

Patrick Nelligan, defending, said: “He tells me that since being released from prison he has not drunk alcohol. He says he is now too scared to commit offences.”

Ryan Skivington, 29, racially aggravated and threatening behaviour.

A drunken businessman racially abused a Polish bar manager

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Ryan Skivington became aggressive when asked to leave Ma Kellys in Lytham Road, Blackpool, and caused a fracas pushing and shoving the manager.

Skivington, 29, of Waterloo Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated threatening behaviour.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 15 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work for the community and told to pay £200 compensation to the manager with £150 costs plus £85 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Skivington was at Ma Kellys bar when there was an incident on November 9. He was asked to leave but returned later at about 11pm.

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Skivington shouted abuse at the manager and at the front door and then racially abused him.

The manager’s girlfriend, who worked at the bar , saw Skivington pushing and shoving her boyfriend and heard the abuse.

The manager said the incident had made him and his partner feel unsafe and they would be putting in their notices at the bar.

Gerry Coyle, defending, said during the earlier incident at the bar three people from Liverpool had threatened to shoot Skivington.

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Skivington had been asked to leave after that but he returned about three hours later trying to establish if he had been banned from the bar.

Marian-Andrei Pertea, 20, theft

A Romanian man committed crime in Fleetwood after he had been in Britain only five days a judge was told.

Marian-Andrei Pertea, 20, who said he could not remember his address in Manchester, had the court proceedings relayed to him by an interpreter and pleaded guilty to theft of £362 worth of shirts.

He was sentenced to 56 days in a youth offenders institution suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay £115 victims’ surcharge.

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The judge told him: “You have been here five days I’m told. This was deliberate dishonesty and if you were to offend again you could blame no one but yourself if you end up in custody.”

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said a sales assistant at Gap in Freeport, Fleetwood, saw Pertea with a large bag on February 23 at 1.40pm.

He was with another man who took a large amount of clothes into a changing rooms and then left empty handed. Pertea then went into the changing room and left with his bag full.

Pertea was apprehended outside by security officers who found his foil-line bag hidden and the stolen clothes in a car.

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John McLaren, defending, said his client had no work in Romania and a friend who lived in Manchester offered to put him up so he could try and find work in this country.

Kwame Yeboah, 34, threatening behaviour

A Blackpool man told a bus driver he had argued with: “Look into my eyes- this is a death stare.”

Kwame Yeboah wanted to take his dog onto the top deck of the bus but the driver said it was not allowed.

Yeboah, 34, of New South Promenade, made threats to the driver.

Yeboah admitted threatening behaviour.

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He also admitted assaulting two women in a separate incident and criminal damage.

Kerry Grieve, prosecuting, said that the two assaults took place at an address in Kings Lynn where he was visiting friends.

Yeboah was given an 18 month community order during which he must undertake up to 45 days rehabilitation.

He must pay a total of £400 compensation to his victims.

He was also made the subject of a one year restraining order.

Steven Duffy ,defending, said that his client suffered mental health problems.