Blackpool: From the courts 30-03-17

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Here is a round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

Luke Evans, 28, arson

A jealous boyfriend set fire to a bag of his girlfriend’s clothes in the street after finding out she had been having an affair.

Luke Evans doused a rucksack full of his partner’s clothing with lighter fuel and set it alight before kicking the bag around in the street.

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Evans, a 28-year-old father-of-four, of Clifford Road, North Shore, pleaded guilty to arson.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 30 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service and fined £100 with £85 costs plus £85 victims’ surcharge by magistrates.

Presiding magistrate, Susan Edwards, told him: “We feel there was an element of revenge to this and it was committed deliberately.”

Prosecutor, Sarah Perkins, said the couple had been together for six years but they split-up.

On February 18 Evans’ girlfriend was at his home.

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Evans set fire to a rucksack full of her clothes and kicked it round the street outside his address.

He told police: “She is playing mind games with me.”

Evans said he then found out she had been sleeping with someone else and they had been trying for a child.

Defence lawyer, Steven Townley, said the couple had resumed their relationship when she told him she had been seeing someone else and this had upset him.

Mr Townley added: “it was a fairly childish gesture. It was alight for about a minute when he thought – ‘what am I doing’ – and stamped it out.”

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Ashley Robinson, 22, assault and criminal damage

A man lost his temper with his girlfriend when they had an argument over who should make up the baby’s bottle.

Ashley Robinson refused to do the bottle claiming he had done the feeds on a number of previous nights while his partner slept and he said he wanted a lie-in.

In the fracas that followed, he headbutted his girlfriend leaving her with a large lump on her forehead and damaged her phone and laptop.

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Robinson, a former removals firm worker, 22, of Cornwall Avenue, North Shore, pleaded not guilty to assault and two counts of damage but was found guilty of all the offences after a trial.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 20 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, fined £25 with £100 costs and ordered to pay £150 compensation to his victim by magistrates.

Prosecutor, Sarah Perkins, said the couple had an eight-month-old baby girl together and Robinson’s partner had a young son.

On November 26, she asked Robinson to make the baby’s bottle and he refused. He said: “Are you kidding? I want to go back to sleep.”

During the argument he lunged forward and headbutted her.

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She tried to phone the police and put the phone on loudspeaker as she was trying to change the baby’s nappy.

Robinson grabbed it and threw it across the room. He also stamped on her laptop.

Stephen Duffy, defending, said his client, who had no previous convictions, maintained that their heads had clashed accidentally.

Robinson’s girlfriend had not needed medical treatment.

Mr Duffy added: “He was upset on that day because the baby had been teething and he had been getting up on a number of nights to feed the child.”

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Robinson’s partner said he had never been violent before and that she did not want a restraining order because she accepted there would be contact between them over the child.

Christopher Hinde, 28, threatening behaviour

A man arrested after shouting and swearing in the street banged his head against the cage of the van he was taken to the police station in.

Christopher Hinde, 28, of Withnell Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour.

He was given a 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 costs with £20 victims’ surcharge by magistrates.

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Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said police were called to Boardman Avenue, on March 9, where neighbours and Hinde’s ex said he had been shouting and swearing in the street.

When challenged by a neighbour Hinde was said to have kicked a car and thrown stones.

Stephen Duffy, defending, said Hinde suffered from a stammer and facial ticks at times.

When he tried to discuss what was happened with a police officer the officer thought he was trying to spit at him.

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Hinde then became very upset about being accused of attempting to spit at the officer.

James Blackpool, 31, Jamie Parks, 38, and Mark Stewart, 34, conspiracy to supply drugs and concealing the proceeds of crime

Three Fylde coast men have made their first appearances at court charged with conspiracy to supply drugs in the area.

The three face allegations of conspiracy to supply heroin,crack cocaine and amphetamine between March and October last year.

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The trio are James Blackpool, 31, of Bleasdale Avenue, Staining; Jamie Perkes, 38, of Princessway, Fleetwood and Mark Stewart, 34, of Duddon Avenue, Fleetwood.

The are also charged with concealing the proceeds of crime.

Magistrates sent them all for trial at Preston Crown Court where they will appear on April 27.

Michael Barry, 25, breach of non-molestation order

A man accused illegally contacting his former girlfriend via Facebook messaging and video chat has appeared at court.

Michael Barry, 25, of Central Drive, Blackpool, pleaded not guilty to breaching a non-molestation order.

He was bailed to May 26 for trial by magistrates.

Ryan Ball, 21, theft charge dropped

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A man accused of stealing two bottles of Grey Goose vodka valued together at £76 from a Blackpool branch of Sainsbury’s has had the case against him dropped.

Ryan Ball, 21, of Withnell Road, South Shore, who was not present at court, had the case formally withdrawn by magistrates.

Michael Coleman, 34, driving with no insurance

A mana ccused of driving while disqualified has been put on the wanted list.

Michael Coleman, 34, of Crake Avenue, Fleetwood, who is also alleged to have driven without insurance, had a warrant without bail issued for his arrest by magistrates after he failed to attend court.