Hearing will discuss future of disgraced Blackpool Victoria Hospital doctor jailed for groping young girls

Dr Benjamin BrooksDr Benjamin Brooks
Dr Benjamin Brooks
A former trainee doctor at Blackpool Victoria Hospital could be struck off when a medical panel meets to discuss his case next week.

Benjamin Brooks, of Nile Close, Lytham, was jailed last year, when he was 27, after admitting sex attacks on girls aged 10, 13, and 14.

A panel from the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) is set to meet in Manchester next Tuesday and Wednesday to consider a 'new case of impairment by reason of a conviction or caution', documents said.

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They added: "The tribunal will inquire into the allegation that, on 13 February 2017 at Preston Crown Court, Dr Brooks was convicted of sexual assault of a child under 13; two counts of sexual assault; and intimidation.

"It is further alleged that, on 7 April 2017, Dr Brooks was sentenced to 28 months’ imprisonment (reduced on appeal to 22 months); a Sexual Harm Prevention Order; and a Restraining order.

"The above reflects the allegation as it stands at the start of the hearing. The allegation may be amended as the hearing proceeds and when findings of fact are made by the tribunal."