Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Thursday, November 08, 2018

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is the latest round-up from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Anthony Carr, 57, drink-driving

A St Annes man’s motorway driving caused concern to other drivers who called police.

Anthony Carr’s van was seen drifting across carriages of the M5 and at times he was driving too slowly.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

Police pulled him up and Carr , 57, of Curzon Road was found to be three times over the drink drive limit.

The court was told that Carr should have been dealt with by Worcester Magistrates but did not turn up and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He later gave himself up at Blackpool Police station and spent a night in custody.

His lawyer Steven Townley told the court: “He has lost his job and the home where he lived with his partner. However she has now asked him back. He turned to drinking over a weekend following the death of his sister which he took very deeply.

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“Then he was called by his firm and told he was needed in the South West of England .”

He admitted drink driving and was banned from the road for 26 months and must pay £170 court costs.

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Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Wednesday, November 07, 2...

Marlena Krzanowska, 28, assault

A woman accused of causing an affray in a Blackpool bar has had her case sent to Preston Crown Court.

Marlena Krzanowska,28, of Lytham Road also faces two charges of assault in Scrooges on Milbourne Street on October 12.

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She is alleged to have assaulted one man and using a glass in an attack on second man causing actual bodily harm.

The defendant was bailed on condition she does not go within 100 metres of Scrooges. She will appear at the higher court on December 5.

Joshua Shaw, 26, drug-driving

A 26-year-old old man reeked of cannabis when his car was pulled over by a police officer.

Joshua Shaw, 26, of Wayman Road,Blackpool admitted drug driving.

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He was banned from the road for a year and ordered to pay £235 court costs.

Shaw, a labourer, admitted he had been smoking several joints before going out to see his father.

A drugs test revealed that Shaw’s cannabis level was 16. The legal limit is two.

Gerry Coyle, defending, said: “My client is a father of two who now faces the loss of his job.”

Shane Cowell, 30, theft

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A man stole a £750 mobile phone from a doctor working at Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

Shane Cowell said he found the phone left unattended by the doctor who was waiting for her husband who also works at the same hospital.

Cowell ,30, of Derby Road,Blackpool, admitted stealing the I Phone X and taking it to a dealer in Blackpool who said it could not be unlocked so it was useless.

His lawyer Gerry Coyle said that Cowell believed the dealer had thrown the phone away.

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He added: “He says he tried to hand it over to staff at the hospital but they would not help him.”

Cowell was ordered to pay £250 compensation to the owner of the phone.

Chantellle Fitton, 24, begging

A beggar targeted the elderly and infirm to get cash.

Chantelle Fitton pretended to be destitute and homeless but that was not the case.

In fact, the 24-year-old has got a home and receives State benefits, Blackpool Council prosecutor Emma Morgan told District Judge Jane Goodwin.

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Fitton, of Central Drive, was found guilty in her absence of four begging offences. The judge dismissed two other allegations against Fitton.

The judge heard how officers working for Blackpool Improvement District (BID)saw Fitton halt a woman in an invalid buggy and demand money.

She also asked another old lady who handed over £5.

The prosecutor described Fitton as a “persistent and annoying beggar whose behaviour was anti social and intimidated members of the public”.

She said that the local authority believed that Fitton begged for money in order to buy drugs.

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Two officers gave evidence about their monitoring Fitton’s activities while on foot and while watching town centre CCTV.

Fitton was made the subject of an interim criminal behaviour order banning her from parts of Blackpool town centre.

The council’s application for a full criminal behaviour order will be made on December 5.