Latest convictions from Blackpool's court - Friday, October 12, 2018

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

Darren Shaw, 30, theft

A chef stole £1,335 in cash which an 81-year-old woman holidaymaker left in a bag at a Blackpool pub.

Darren Shaw, 30, of Newcastle Avenue, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to theft.

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Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court

He was sentenced to a 12 month community order with 140 hours unpaid work for the community and ordered to pay £100 compensation to his victim plus £85 costs.

Prosecutor, Jim Mowbray, said a woman and her husband went into the resort’s Washington pub on September 19 at 3.15pm.

She had a small fabric bag within her handbag which contained £1,000 cash she had saved for the holiday and Christmas, £300 given to her for her birthday and some other notes.

After leaving the pub she realised she must have left the small bag there but when the couple returned the cash was gone. Police viewed CCTV and arrested Shaw soon after.

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In a victim’s impact statement the pensioner said the incident had left her depressed and tearful and she blamed herself for taking the cash with her, adding it had ruined her holiday and birthday.

Gerry Coyle, defending, said it was Shaw’s girlfriend’s birthday and he found the money bag while she was in the ladies toilets.

Shaw had been drinking and as he had debts he thought “finders keepers” about the money.

He was apprehended and all the cash returned to the pensioner.

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At the police station he was in tears, said he was disgusted and ashamed of himself and asked police to apologise on his behalf to the victim.

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Latest convictions from Blackpool's court - Thursday, October 11, 2018

Usamah Ahmed, 23, drug-driving

A university student stopped by the police admitted to an officer that he had smoked cannabis before driving.

Usamah Ahmed, 23, of Harrington Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to drug-driving.

He was banned from the road for 12 months, fined £200 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge. Prosecutor, Jim Mowbray, said police stopped Ahmed on May 7, as he drove an Audi on Albert Road.

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A blood test showed 3.5 microgrammes of cannabis in his body - 2 is the limit.

Ashleigh Croasdale, 27, theft

A mother asked her daughter to live at home to help her fight her alcohol addiction a court was told.

Ashleigh Croasdale, 27, of Mersey Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to theft.

She was sentenced to a three months curfew from 8pm to 6am and ordered to pay £85 costs with £85 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

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Prosecutor, Jim Mowbray, said on May 6 Croasdale was identified on CCTV after she stole two handbags from TK Maxx.

At the time of the offence she was on a community order and a conditional discharge.

Brett Chappell, defending, said his client’s offending was driven by her alcohol addiction and she knew she needed help.

Croasdale’ mother had asked her to live at her address so she could help her combat her drink problem.

Paul Walton, 27, theft

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A man who was once drinking a litre of vodka and 10 cans of strong lager a day stole to feed his addiction.

Paul Walton, 27, of Waterloo Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to theft. He was given a 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £200 compensation.

Prosecutor, Jim Mowbray, said Walton and a woman stole four handbags from TK Maxx, Squires Gate on May 6. At the time Walton was on a community order for shoplifting.

Matthew Reeve, 29, failing to comply with post prison sentence supervision

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A man lapsed back into using drugs after being released from prison a court was told.

Matthew Reeve, 29, of Tudor Place, South Shore, pleaded guilty to failing to comply with post prison sentence supervision.

He was fined £40 and ordered to pay £60 costs.

Cheryl Crawford, prosecuting for the probation service, said Reeve had missed appointments with an officer on July 25 and August 30.

Ms Crawford added: “Since his release from prison he has tested positive for cocaine on one occasion.”

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Howard Green, defending, said his client had been diagnosed with schizophrenia for which he took medication.

Reeve, who lived in assisted living accommodation, sometimes felt drowsy because of the medication he had to take and believed that was why he missed one appointment.

He admitted falling out with his mental health worker but they had made up and he also admitted testing positive once for cocaine when he used the drug for a short time.