New teen dad breached bail before his trial

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A teenage boy who had recently become a father for the first time breached bail granted to him by a crown court judge.

The 16-year-old, who failed to keep appointments with Youth Offending Team officers who were trying to help him, was said to be pre-occupied by being a new dad.

The boy, from Blackpool, who can not be identified for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to failing to comply with his bail conditions.

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Blackpool magistrates agreed to rebail him on the condition he complied with the bail support package organised for him by the Youth Offending Team.

Malcolm Isherwood, prosecuting, said the boy had appeared before a judge at Preston Crown Court accused of offences of affray and assault.

The judge bailed him on the condition he comply with bail package conditions organised for him by the Youth Offending Team, including keeping appointments.

On January 4 and 5 he had failed to keep appointments made for him and then did not keep an appointment with his case manager. He had later surrendered himself to the police .

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Peter Cave, defending, said the boy’s partner had had a baby and the child was three months old. His mind was on becoming a father and he had taken his eye off the ball in respect of his bail conditions.

He had also had problems at home. His parents had separated and he had been unable to see his siblings.

The defence added that the boy had denied the offences. The trial was set for June and the bail support package conditions were quite onerous.