Pensioner urges others for fight for justice

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A pensioner who battled to overturn a penalty notice issued for threatening behaviour has urged others to fight for justice.

Barry Carr from Fleetwood was found not guilty by Blackpool magistrates having taken the decision to battle the £60 ticket.

Mr Carr was handed the fine following an argument with neighbours which spilled over into the street.

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But convinced he should not pay up, Mr Carr decided to fund a challenge out of his own pocket.

He said: “Not everyone can afford to do this like I can.

“But they should be able to, if you feel you are innocent you should challenge it.

“That’s the message I want to get out there, you can challenge these notices and you can win.

“It’s not the first time, I’ve had driving offences overturned in the past.

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“It’s important to do because if you accept the fine you accept that you have done what they said.

“It might not be a criminal conviction, it might not sit on a record but it hangs over you, there are people who know.”

Retired chip shop boss Mr Carr, 65, of Rossall Gate, is now hoping to get back the money he spent fighting his case.

He said: “We could quickly see we were going to win the case.

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“My solicitor has applied for costs so we will wait and see. It cost about £1,400 to fight it. But if I’d have lost here I’d have taken it to Crown Court.

“That would have cost me thousands more but it is worth it to see justice done.”