These are the latest cases and convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is today's round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Matthew Poole, 23, witness intimidation

A man threatened a pregnant woman, saying if she did not answer his messages she would die slow painful death.

Matthew Poole also called the woman “dead meat” said he was “coming for her” and added if a friend went to prison she could “watch your home going up in flames”.

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Poole, 22, formerly of the resort’s Claremont Court now living at Pleasant Street, North Shore, pleaded guilty to intimidating a witness.

He was bailed to appear for sentence at Preston Crown Court on November 20, on the condition he did not contact the victim.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said a woman made a statement to police about an assault by a man.

Days later, on September 17, at 11.30pm, she was woken by her phone and saw a message saying “answer now” from Poole, who was a friend of her former partner. When she replied “no” Poole said he was “coming for her” and made a barrage of threats, ending with “listen – drop the charges now you fat mess”. At the time she was pregnant and had two children living at the address.

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When interviewed, Poole told police he was angry and intended to make her drop the charge.

Hugh Pond, defending, said his client had psychiatric problems, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and was on medication.

Mr Pond added: “On the day in question he was drunk. He said he was a 10 on the scale of drunkenness and had had some cannabis.

“The comments were made to a woman who was a former partner of a friend of his. He said he had no intention of carrying out the threats he made.”

Emma Copeland, 36, failing to comply with a community order

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A Blackpool woman who failed to comply with a community order imposed by the town’s magistrates has appeared at court.Emma Copeland, 36, of Reads Avenue admitted failing to keep

in touch with her probation officer.

She was fined £25 after her lawyer Patrick Nelligan told the court she had been living in Chatham,Kent. n“She has recently returned to Blackpool to see her daughter and realise there was a warrant out for her arrest,” he said.

Joseph Fox, threatening behaviour

A man made a series of threats to a probation officer. Joseph Fox went into the department’s Blackpool office and confronted the duty officer

He demanded to be sent to prison and said he would “flip her office over and redecorate it with her”.

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She left the office and rang for the police who arrested Fox.

Fox admitted using threatening behaviour. He told the court:”I need to get to prison and get my mental health tablets.I am homeless. I tried to back to prison last week but it did not work.”

Magistrates heard that Fox had committed the offence whilst on licence from prison. Fox was jailed for four months and must pay £50 compensation to the victim.

David Greville,55, drink-driving

A motorcyclist accused of drink driving has had his trial date rearranged.

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David Greville, aged 55, of Golden Lane Estate, London, pleaded not guilty to driving a Honda motorcycle on Church Road with 89 microgrammes of alcohol in his body – 35 is the limit - on July 14 this year. Greville’s case was adjourned to December 10 for trial by Blackpool magistrates.

Damian Helstrip, 38, change of bail address

A man asked to change his bail address from a hostel in Blackpool’s Knowle Avenue because he did not feel safe there.

Damian Helstrip told a court: “On the first night there I was offered drugs and alcohol and I did not feel safe there.”

Helstrip, 38, had previously pleaded not guilty to assaulting a woman and been bailed for trial on December 11.

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Blackpool magistrates agreed to alter his bail conditions and allow him to live at an address in Sherbourne Road, North Shore.

In addition to living at that address Helstrip must keep a curfew from 10pm to 6am and not contact the complainant or enter Horsebridge Road, Grange Park.

Samuel Steward, 29, drunk and disorderly

A 29-year-old man turned out of a pub swore at police and members of the public before running into a road where he was narrowly missed by a truck.

Samuel Stewart did not attend a magistrates court hearing but was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly in his absence.

Stewart of Park Road, Blackpool, was ordered to pay £177 in fines and costs.Adrian Hollamby prosecuting said that police were called to the Lane Ends pub in Marton. He was drunk and refused to leave.