Danger fear sparks plea to drivers

Signs on St Albans Road, St Annes, asking motorists to have regard for pedestriansSigns on St Albans Road, St Annes, asking motorists to have regard for pedestrians
Signs on St Albans Road, St Annes, asking motorists to have regard for pedestrians
Motorists are being urged to do their bit to solve long-standing parking problems in a Fylde shopping area.

Signs have gone up in St Albans Road, St Annes, including a police message to drivers not to park on the pavement and also promoting the use of the free car park at the corner of Trafalgar Street.

The new measures come after many years of problems in the area, which have included congestion and even some incidents involving pedestrians and illegally-parked cars.

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Coun Sue Fazackerley, the leader of Fylde Council, who has represented the area as part of St Annes Central ward for more than 30 years, called for the signs after a recent near-miss.

She said: “For as long as I have represented this ward, there have been parking problems in this part of St Albans Road.

“It is a busy stretch which is also a bus route with one side of the street providing unrestricted parking.

“In spite of this, I have witnessed over the years selfish and inconsiderate parking behaviour of shoppers who, often even with places available on the road, will park on the forecourts and even pavements.

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“There was an incident a couple of months ago when a gentleman ran into a lady several times in his attempt to back off the pavement and this prompted a last ditch attempt to stress the potential dangers of pavement parking.

“This was not an isolated incident and I am fearful that, one day, there will be a fatality.

“The free car park is under-used because people cannot be bothered to walk a few yards and would rather endanger the lives of pedestrians.”

Katie Richards, who has run a clothing store on the street for more than 25 years, said: “Something needs to be done about the situation and anything that might help is welcome.”

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