Anger over mess left on Fleetwood street

The untidy mess left on Bold Street in FleetwoodThe untidy mess left on Bold Street in Fleetwood
The untidy mess left on Bold Street in Fleetwood
This was the scene which greeted residents on a street in Fleetwood.

The rubbish was dumped on the town’s Bold Street, on the pavement right in front of two of the houses.

It is understood it was put there by contractors renovating property in the vicinity.

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There were broken sheets of white uPVC, pieces of wood and numerous blue and black bags of waste

Another pile of rubbish on the pavementAnother pile of rubbish on the pavement
Another pile of rubbish on the pavement

The photos was taken by Fleetwood resident Amanda Bradshaw, who believed the eyesore had been there for at least two weeks and questioned why local authority Wyre Council had not had the mess removed.

She said; "It's right on the public footpath and looks a terrible mess. It shouldn't be allowed to stay there so long, it brings the town down."

Wyre says it is not the responsibility of the council to clear the area - the contractors must move it.

But the council said the mess would be removed today.

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A Wyre spokesman said: "Some of the waste has been there since Sunday and it’s being removed today.

"The waste should be being removed daily so we are going to check that this is happening."

The spokesman added: "“Every householder, business and landowner is responsible for the proper removal of waste from their property.

"This includes waste removed by any trader, contractor or someone you’ve found on Facebook on your behalf.

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"If you're having work done in your home, office or garden you should budget for responsible waste disposal, and check that your contractor is a registered waste carrier and will dispose of the waste properly.

"Everyone has a legal 'duty of care' to ensure your household or business waste is disposed of correctly. You can be prosecuted even if your waste is fly tipped by someone else on your behalf.”