Cheer in grey winter months writes Roy Edmonds

Valentine's rosesValentine's roses
Valentine's roses
Come on, you romantics, it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow! That’s a date all women should enjoy and She Who Knows (“I’m only a girl,” she says) is no exception.

Back on our first Valentine’s evening together, many years ago but still fondly remembered, I was impressed by a whole row of cards she had on display. Only later did I learn these had been saved over years - then put out to keep me keen.

Today we still exchange cards and keep them, too, often putting them up on display again to cheer up these grey winter months. There will also be chocolates and roses – from me to her, of course.

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Rightly, these days, every effort is made for equal rights to the sexes. However, that doesn’t mean we’re just the same. Vive la différence, I say.

Busy young mums or any lady (and I use the term deliberately) appreciate being treated, well, like a lady. Also, what warm-blooded male doesn’t get a buzz out of showing some chivalry in that direction?

The other day I was just fixing new light-bulbs for my aged mother-in-law and basked in the glow of her heartfelt thanks. What’s more, I complimented her on some tartan slacks she was wearing and she simpered like a flattered, young thing.

‘Manners makyth man’ was my school motto, while some harmless flirting also helps the world go round.

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Incidentally, we don’t tend to go out for meals now on Valentine’s – I take on the job myself. These days my dinner suit is a bit too tight to wear but, then, it is only the two of us dining.

What’s the meal? Well, you can’t beat that old, winning recipe to cheer the heart: prawn cocktail, fillet steak (with rich sauce) and something darkly delicious and sweet to follow . . . with some bubbly, of course, to add that sparkle!

* Roy’s books are on Kindle or paperbacks at

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