Letters - August 3, 2016

Owen OystonOwen Oyston
Owen Oyston
FOOTBALLFor us Blackpool fans, the die is castIn his open letter to the fans, (Gazette, July 30), Owen Oyston says that he loves Blackpool Football Club and claims that he wants to 'repair the damage', totally omitting to say '...caused by myself and Karl, despite the monies which Karl freely admits are available'.

No one who professes to love the club would have presided over the lack of investment on the playing side which has seen the club plummet into League Two, allied to the knock-on detrimental effect on local businesses and the town itself.

Not to mention the unprecedented sueing of some fans.

For Owen Oyston to ask us to return and support the club – and in so doing put more money into the Oyston coffers – shows how completely he is out of touch with the reality of the position he has got into. He still doesn’t get it.

I’m afraid the die is cast Owen.

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We shall never return to Bloomfield Road until you finally sell the club to someone who will genuinely have feeling for the club and has the ambition to return it to its former glory.

Name and address supplied


Young lad in the ad is doing a grand job

I’m intrigued by the small boy who, for a couple of years has appeared in a TV commercial lauding Blackpool.

He does it in a very accomplished style, but I can’t help wondering – is he a local boy acting spontaneously, or is he a trained professional, part of a commercially run advertising organisation?

Whichever, he’s doing an impressive job and hopefully boosting the resort’s amenities via boarding-house and hotel bookings.

Neil Kendall

Stamford Avenue

South Shore


Help stroke victims get voices heard

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I’m writing to thank the people of the North West for showing their support for people affected by stroke and signing our petition.

Our Government’s current stroke strategy is coming to an end and the Government has no plans to introduce a new one. Without this, lives could be at risk. That’s why the Stroke Association is campaigning for a new National Stroke Strategy. It’s time for A New Era for Stroke, to ensure that when stroke strikes, survivors get the care and support they need to rebuild their lives.

Stroke survivors in the North West have told us they feel abandoned when they leave hospital and do not have access to the vital support they need to help with their recovery. We need your signature to make sure these voices are heard by the Government

We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who has lent their support to our campaign. We need just over 150 signatures per constituency before the Government will debate this issue in Parliament. I urge you and your family and friends to sign the Stroke Association’s petition by visiting http://strk.org.uk/neweraforstroke.

Chris Larkin

Regional Director at the Stroke Association


People don’t wear their Sunday best

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When I attend church on Sunday, I find the standard of dress has gone down.

People wear shorts, jeans and baggy T-shirts on a regular basis. What is wrong with a suit? When you are going to church, you are there in respect to God.

The same is done often for funerals, weddings and similar events in a church.

Has the standard of dress dropped?

I know we live in more modern times but you are there in respect of someone, be it God or some other earthly person, and should dress in respect to them.

It is, after all, good manners.

David Treacher,

address supplied


We really do need a nuclear deterrent

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In answer to Mr Croysdill about our nuclear deterrent (Your Say, Gazette, July 28), if you look at our history over the last thousand years, we have had to fight off virtually every nation in Europe, so whether we like it or not, we need a deterrent.

I am appalled by nuclear weapons, but at this moment in time they are needed.

Bruce Allen

via email


Help is at hand for struggling families

New research published by the Trussell Trust brings home the desperate choices facing many families across the UK this summer.

The findings reveal that a fifth of parents will skip a meal during the school holidays so that their children can eat, with the charity estimating that as many as 1.5 million people could be forced to forgo food over the coming weeks.

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As a charity fighting poverty in the UK, we hear from families who are struggling with decisions like these.

We know the extra financial costs that the school summer holidays bring create added pressure for families who are already struggling. It’s clear that more needs to be done to put an end to holiday hunger and we’re working to ensure support for families is as accessible and prominent as possible.

Use our free Benefits Calculator, Grants Search and other help at Turn2us.org.uk to find out what support could be available. It could make all the difference this summer.

Simon Hopkins

Chief Executive, Turn2us