Letters - June 15, 2017

Photo: David Hurst
Boundary Primary School, Dinmore Avenue, Grange Park, Blackpool.Photo: David Hurst
Boundary Primary School, Dinmore Avenue, Grange Park, Blackpool.
Photo: David Hurst Boundary Primary School, Dinmore Avenue, Grange Park, Blackpool.
BOUNDARY SCHOOLGovernors work tirelessly for schoolI am always a bit behind by the time I see The Gazette as a pensioner with a very limited income I collect the papers from a friend after he has finished reading them.

May I therefore take this opportunity to comment on the article in The Gazette Monday May 29? This refers to the article about the Ofsted at Boundary School. Praise for the staff and I would like to add to the governors as well. They are unpaid and show a high degree of commitment and dedication to the school and the children.

Governors work alongside the management and teachers tirelessly to do the best we can to help bring the school up to the Good rating; working also with the different headteachers and staff over the past few years.

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The governors, although a part of the voluntary sector, do much to support the school! This should not just be glossed over; they are liked and appreciated by many for what they have done. So to the governors past, present and future I would like to say, “You have done a great job, keep up the good work!”

Terry Bennett

Retired Governor Boundary school


You’re the one who sounds like a dictator

Dr Barry Clayton, (Your Say 13 June) describes free tuition fees as outrageous promises by Labour, claiming there would be a minimum cost of £11bn.

Perhaps he could remind me, how many billions will it cost for the renewal of Trident or a rail system that will shave a few minutes off the time for business commuters?

His dismissal of the younger generations opting for alternative policies to Theresa Mays, describing them as duped and naive, more closely resembles the arrogant Marxist dictators he associates with gentle Corbyn, rather than genteel May.

Denis Lee



Austerity is killing this country

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It was good to see that at least we have a decent opposition to this Government.

Over the last seven years the Tories have systematically dismantled the fabric of our country and placed many of our institutions in a parlous state.

They have divided the country like never before with their offer of Brexit, a ploy to garner more votes in 2010 and clearly putting party ahead of the country’s interests.

A slender majority to leave has placed our economy in a situation where inflation is rife and jobs are at risk.

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Having engineered this crisis, Cameron took the coward’s way out and left the situation in the hands of an incompetent home secretary, who has bungled her way into a situation where everyone sees her for what she is.

I am pleased that the young people in this country are beginning to make their voice heard and the result may have been different if they had stepped up sooner.

They have been forced down a path which will lead to them being poorer and, in fact, they find it much harder than we did to own houses and generally make their way in the world. Another five years of austerity will kill this country off and certainly the NHS will disappear.

It is good that at least the opposition is back and the Tories and their bed-mates, the DUP will be checked.

Richard Beck

Via email


New way of looking at fatherhood

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Since becoming a father last year, the celebration of Father’s Day has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I shall look forward to receiving my wonky homemade card and the joyous huge hug from my daughter on the morning of Sunday June 18.

Father’s Day is doubly important to me though as I also work for an amazing charity called Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity. I am one of its 50 Family Support Workers across England helping families who have a life threatened or terminally ill child. Alongside the children’s vital medical treatment, Rainbow Trust provides the whole family with emotional and practical support to try and make life a little easier for them.

At this time of year Rainbow Trust works a lot with dads who can struggle to deal with the enormity that their child might never get better. We do all we can to help these fathers capture precious time and memories with their family and offer someone impartial to turn to when it all gets too much.

This Father’s Day please spare a thought for these dads and support Rainbow Trust with a £3 donation by texting RAIN18 £3 to 70070 or visit www.rainbowtrust.org.uk/donate

Zak Miah

Rainbow Trust
 Family Support Worker


Gather in the garden for Parkinson’s UK

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As a passionate gardener, I spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, and love to entertain outdoors in Ireland during the summer.

That’s why I’m delighted to support Garden Gathering, a new feel good fundraiser for Parkinson’s UK, urging people across the country to get together with loved ones, bringing a fun, festival vibe to their gardens.

No matter how big or small your garden, I’m encouraging everyone to plan a Garden Gathering on Saturday July 1, or you can just pick your own date, it’s up to you.

Your Garden Gathering event can be as creative as you like, and Parkinson’s UK has created a special fundraising pack full of tips and goodies, including festival wristbands, a teepee donation box, and a festival themed fundraising game, to help you get in the mood for fun.

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All money raised from Garden Gathering will help Parkinson’s UK to support the 127,000 people living with Parkinson’s in the UK, as well as funding urgently needed treatments that can slow, stop or even prevent the condition.

To get your fundraising pack, contact [email protected], call 0800 138 6593, or visit parkinsons.org.uk/gardengathering.

Let’s make summer special.

Diarmuid Gavin

Parkinson’s UK

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