Letters - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

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Online pressure is creating more stress

Much has been said and written about how, over the last two years, more and more people of all ages are suffering from stress, anxiety, fatigue and mental health problems.

The Covid/coronavirus pandemic is blamed for much of this, but I firmly believe that there is another reason why so many people feel run down. It is the pace of IT in today’s world.

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Culture, digital curse, computers, and an insistence by more and more companies, governments, banks, retailers, hospitality and sports industries that we must all do almost everything ‘online’.

There is an intention by ‘the powers that be’ to force this policy upon us.

Why? Because it gives them more information about us all, it cuts down staff levels, it ups profit margins, and it enables more and more ‘sales’ items to be thrust at us.

It makes us ill because so much of this ‘online’ stuff is either very complex, is open to fraud and scams, or is impossible to use as it is frequently ‘down’ and cannot be accessed.

I am no doctor, but I know danger when I see it.

David Quarrie

Address supplied


Fabulous night at the Winter Gardens

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What a fabulous night of entertainment at the Winter Gardens Spirit of the Dance. Not sure what to expect other than Irish dancing.

There came a night of dancing from around the world, flamenco, Scottish even cowboy. Too many to mention. I smiled from start to finish, especially with the comedy routine. The signing was beautiful and I would happily sit through it again.

Sadly, it was only half full - and what a night they missed.

Our thanks to the fabulous dancers and singers and of course the crew and the Winter Gardens

It was the Best birthday treat ever.

Liz Strachan-Hall

via email


Disgraceful behaviour

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Regarding the recent shocking abuse by a millionaire professional footballer to his pet cat. This disgraceful behaviour is quite literally unbelievable. Let’s be clear about this... Cat Lives’ Matter Too.

Barry Carr



We need dialogue and de-escalation

The British government must push for de-escalation and dialogue not militarisation and threats of war, to resolve the escalating crisis in Ukraine, rather than Nato expansion.

At the moment the destabilisation in the entire region comes from the continued eastwards expansion of Nato.

The US has only just ended one disastrous war prolonged in Afghanistan and many seem to be gung ho about starting another one.

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The public is opposed to war with Russia. We need de-escalisation and dialogue not militarisation and threats of war.

Russian militarism and Nato militarism are two sides of the same coin.

Our allies in Russia are not Putin and his cronies but the peace activists who resist him.

There has been a distinct lack of balance in discussions on Ukraine in the press.

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There’s an assumption that the solution to all our problems is to go to war. Well it isn’t.

The job is for all of us to speak out for peace, also to speak out for dialogue.

Royston Jones



Ease the burden on the pensioners

I get quite cross when I read of the salaries footballers and TV presenters get. Cut the salaries and ease the burden on the poor pensioners and out of work people.

Peter Hyde

via email


One way to win the jackpot...

How to win the jackpot – fail spectacularly as the Head of the Met Police.

Peter Rickaby

via email

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