Salty meatball claim of ranting anti-fracking protester

Blackpool Magistrates courtBlackpool Magistrates court
Blackpool Magistrates court
An anti-fracking protester has been found guilty of calling  agas company security man a faggot.

When Gordon Holian was confronted by police about his remark he answered: “What’s wrong with that? It’s a salty meatball.”

Holian, 49, had prefaced his remark to the security officer, who works for Cuadrilla at its Little Plumpton drilling site, with a foul mouthed rant.

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He was found guilty of using words which caused the guard and a police officer who heard it alarm and distress.

At Blackpool Magistrates, PC Nick Farrell said a lorry had just left the site when Holian, who has lived in a tent at the anti-fracking protest camp for eight months, caught his attention.

The officer said: “He was directing some foul-mouthed remarks to one member of the security staff in particular.

“He called him a faggot.There were other people nearby and cars going past with their windows open. I believe what he said is a zero tolerance phrase – a homophobic remark.”

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Holian said in his evidence: “I have witnessed police brutality and I now always take my camera with me.

“The security guard had already threatened me saying we should sort it out man to man. I was shocked when I was arrested for what police said was a homophobic hate crime.

“I told the policeman I have a gay nephew. I said to him what was wrong in calling him a faggot – it’s a salty meatball. My wife has called me a faggot in the past.”

The court heard that Holian did not work, did not claim benefits and lived off donated food. He was told by the magistrates to get a job or start a claim for benefits.

He was fined £120 and must pay £30 victims’ surcharge and £400 court costs.