Scouting Snapshots

1st Norbreck Scouts1st Norbreck Scouts
1st Norbreck Scouts
Youngsters from Norbreck enjoyed the return of their summer camp packed with activities and treats.

1st Norbreck ScoutTroop travelled from their head quarters to their campsite at Downe, in Kent to have a fabulous week of adventure and fun, supported by the leaders who had given up one week of their holidays.

After weeks of preparation and schedules the Troop embarked on their destination.

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Claire Hadcraft, Scout Leader, said: “This summer saw the return of our annual summer camp, where we stayed at Downe campsite near London, the kids took on challenges like high all aboard, abseiling, tomahawk throwing to name a few.

“Our treat day arrived which allowed us to leave site and enjoy the amazing world of Harry Potter Warner Bros London.

“What an experience; the kids were amazed at the behind the screen magic.

“Everyone had a fantastic adventure and can’t wait for our next camping trip away.”

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The troop also visited the home of Scouting, Gilwell Park, where Baden Powell, the founder of Scoutng lived with his wife Olave and their children.

Gilwell is an integrate and historical part of Scouting history, and is the home of leader training for all Scout leaders, where many leaders in the UK and around the world attend to complete their final part of their training to achieve the ‘Wood Badge’.

Gilwell Park consists of a training ample camping, visitor centre, probably one of the largest Camp Fire Circles ever.

Coffee morning to raise funds for Scouting global trips

Can you help members of Blackpool District Scouts achieve their dreams of seeing the world?

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Coun Lily Henderson and President of the Blackpool District Scout Council will be once again hosting a coffee morning to raise funds for Scouting.

The event will feature cakes, tombola, homemade card stall, and raffle, and refreshments from the kitchen members of St Christopher’s Parish Church. It will take place in the Parish Centre, Hawes Side Lane, Marton, on Saturday, September 15, from 10.30am until noon.

Coun Henderson continues to raise the profile of supporting Blackpool’s young people past, present and future on their quest and adventure for international global travel, to such places, as Uganda, Nepal, World and European Jamborees, and on expeditions to gain such Scouting rewards as the Explorer Belts.

Quite often these adventures are for young people between the age of 14 and 25, and can give them all a different perspective on life, the challenges of other cultures, and then bring their stories and experience back to scout group level and encourage those younger than themselves that they can achieve those ambitions as well.

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With costs involved such as medical precautions, food, travel, the youngsters rely on fund-raising themselves, and grants, but with the help from our president, families, and fellow members of the District Movement and County representatives, these dreams are made possible

If you can help in any way to support with raffle or tombola prizes and other events by way of raffle prizes or donations contact Philip Mather on 07984003567.

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