Weight loss results in special delivery!

Rebecca and Andy Halliwell with their son CharlieRebecca and Andy Halliwell with their son Charlie
Rebecca and Andy Halliwell with their son Charlie
A woman who shed more than three stone after being warned she may never have children because of her weight is celebrating the arrival of a healthy baby boy.

ebecca and Andy Halliwell were due to start fertility treatment when they discovered Rebecca was pregnant.

Their son Charlie was born on May 24 at Blackpool Victoria Hospital by cesarean section, weighing 6lbs 3.5oz.

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The Gazette reported in January how the couple, of Levine Avenue, Marton, had been told they may never have a family.

Rebecca, 32, and Andy 31, had been trying for a child for two years but doctors warned them that Rebecca needed to lose weight if their dream of starting a family was to come true.

After joining Weightwatchers, Rebecca slimmed down from 15st four and a half lbs to 11st eight lbs.

She also dropping several dress sizes in the process – going f rom a size 20/22 to a size 12/14.

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She found out she was pregnant two weeks before the couple were due to go on their delayed honeymoon to Orlando in Florida.

They had been set to start their first round of IVF treatment two days after returning from the holiday.

Andy said: “We are so delighted that after the long wait of the pregnancy that Charlie has arrived safe and sound.

“He is perfect and very chilled out! We both can’t stop staring at him.

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“The first few days felt really surreal and we couldn’t believe he is here, but now we honestly can’t remember what life was like without him.”

Rebecca intends to return to Weight Watchers to slim down again following her pregnancy, although new mums must wait until after their seven week check before joining a group.

Andy and Rebecca - whose maiden name is Scales - met after attending previous Weight Watchers meetings in Blackpool.

Andy works as a full-time leader for Weight Watchers, while Rebecca is a volunteer.

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Losing weight has also helped Rebecca cope better with her disability, which means her joints do not function normally.

She suffers from arthrogrypsosis and needs to use a wheelchair.

Rebecca had previously known Andy when they both worked at the Odeon cinema in Blackpool.

After meeting again at Weight Watchers, they married in 2014.

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