Letters - August 2, 2016

Fylde by Air May 2008
Newton Drive, Blackpool, with the No.4 pub bottom centre. Blackpool golf club top right / housing on the former St Joseph's College centre right / Milton Avenue and St Clements Avenue join North Park Drive (top) and Newton Drive  PIC BY ROB LOCKFylde by Air May 2008
Newton Drive, Blackpool, with the No.4 pub bottom centre. Blackpool golf club top right / housing on the former St Joseph's College centre right / Milton Avenue and St Clements Avenue join North Park Drive (top) and Newton Drive  PIC BY ROB LOCK
Fylde by Air May 2008 Newton Drive, Blackpool, with the No.4 pub bottom centre. Blackpool golf club top right / housing on the former St Joseph's College centre right / Milton Avenue and St Clements Avenue join North Park Drive (top) and Newton Drive PIC BY ROB LOCK
TRANSPORTStretch of road is '¨in '˜no man's land'I am pleased to see that the condition of roads across Lancashire, including Wyre and Fylde, has improved (Gazette, July 26), but may I draw county councillor John Fillis' attention to the part of Newton Drive, between the Herons Reach entrance and the commencement of Normoss Road, both on the right as you travel towards Poulton.

This small stretch of road is absolutely on the boundary between Blackpool and Wyre, and seems to be “no man’s land” in regard to maintenance. As one approaches Normoss Road in the car, the white lines, which were once there on the road, are barely visible.

There used to be a “curved” section, with “zebra” lines, tapering to the centre of the road, to keep traffic apart whilst it filters on to Normoss Road on the right. Because these are now very faint, I have seen drivers come too far to the right, resulting in getting too near to oncoming traffic.

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Could these white lines be repainted again, please, for safety’s sake?

Mrs J Geddes

Whitemoss Avenue



We have to wake up to Trident’s reality

I bought Friday’s edition of the Gazette, and was saddened by the letter from Dr Clayton about Trident.

We live in troubled times because psychopaths are in charge of the White House. The doomsday clock that measures the likelihood of nuclear war has reached three minutes to midnight, only in 1953 were we closer, at two minutes to midnight. Due to America’s aggressive deployment of weapons on the Russian border and the South China Sea, we’re on a road to disaster and don’t look like making that U-turn to make the world safe.

So by paying billions of pounds to the Americans will we be more secure will we be in charge of our own destiny? No simply because the weapons system will be American-owned, American-maintained and we will have to get American permission to fire it!

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When the UK has been sold out by the Americans as acceptable collateral damage and has been nuked by the Chinese or Russians, we won’t even be able to use Trident as a sadistic revenge weapon.

The Americans will say hold your horses, don’t fire back we want to go into negotiation for world peace.

This Trident weapon system leaves us so vulnerable to American betrayal and nuclear attack, it is simply not affordable on any level and leaves a massive hole in our national security.

One of the scariest things at the moment is the American presidential elections – two candidates that will both add to the instability of the world.

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Pinning the hopes of nuclear disarmament on proven warmonger Hillary Clinton or the slimmest of hopes of Donald Trump, who’s only plus is that he said we can engage with Putin in talks.

Hillary, for me, will speed up the doomsday clock – her record of war with nine countries, either with bombs dropped by plane or drone or boots on the ground, speaks loud and clear she’s not for negotiation when there’s something America wants.

We really have to wake up to establishment owned and controlled politicians, and start voting for those that have there own mind and work for the people, not the one per cent.

John Warnock

Armistead Estate



Corbyn is taking the lead on core issues

Over the years, the press have never treated the Labour party fairly, unless led by someone who dances to Murdoch’s tune, but there’s no doubt that leader Jeremy Corbyn has faced historic levels of hostility.

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What is concerning is that the self-indulgence of Labour MPs who seek to unseat Mr Corbyn when they could be exploiting serious divisions with this current Government to force an election.

Since his landslide win in the leadership election, Corbyn’s Labour has forced the government U-turn which have benefited hundreds of thousands of people.

Corbyn’s approach of strong opposition to Tory austerity, backed with a credible coherent alternative, that puts investment in Britain’s future at its core, means a Labour victory at a general election very possible.

Corbyn is well-placed to win because he is proposing Britain takes the lead in tackling climate change, meaning high skill, high tech, and high wage jobs.

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His ability to speak clearly providing a real alternative to cuts and austerity is much needed as the Tories continue the failed road of cuts.

Royston Jones

Beryl Avenue



We must be aware of animals on the roads

May I appeal to motorists to slow down when confronted with wildlife on our roads! Birds can fly out of the way, if given enough time, don’t assume that this can happen in a split second.

Also a hedgehog’s response to danger is to curl up into a ball. If you see this mammal I would suggest you pick it up and place it somewhere safe. It’s amazing how many motorists will drive around a dead hedgehog but won’t stop to help a live one! Any injured wildlife can be taken, free of charge to your local vet for treatment. Don’t just leave it in the middle of the road!

Please help our wildlife as they have as much right to live as us,

Sue Cooper

via email


Why not bring back the smoking room?

Big fine for dropped cigarette.

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I can name numerous pubs in town, with cigarettes festooned about the entrance and on the pavements.

I cannot understand why pubs don’t have smoke rooms as they did of old. It would bring the clientele back and help them back into profit.

Kevin Gooder

Clinton Avenue, Blackpool

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