Lancashire business leader in plea to PM

The BIBAs at Blackpool TowerThe BIBAs at Blackpool Tower
The BIBAs at Blackpool Tower
A Lancashire business leader has urged the Government to translate its Brexit ambitions into answers.

Mick Mayor, founder and managing director of Team Leyland International, said the recently-published White Paper on the UK’s future relationship with the European Union had been “a long time coming”.

Team Leyland International is sponsoring the Transport and Distribution Business of the Year category at this year’s Be Inspired Business Awards .

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The BIBAs will hold its prize-giving ceremony in the Tower Ballroom at the Blackpool Tower on Friday, September 14, to another sell-out crowd.

Mr Mayor pointed out there were still a lot of questions remaining about the detail of the future EU relationship which businesses needed answering.

Mr Mayor said: “The White Paper showed businesses a welcome direction of travel from the Government, but this now needs to be translated into answers in the real world, practical questions which businesses face.

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“For example, companies do not know how they will pay VAT, how they can move people between offers of whether they will be able to get goods across borders with the minimum of fuss.

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“These are the type of nuts and bolts questions which businesses want answers on and time is running out - we cannot be left to wait for answers any longer.”

Organisers of the Blackpool event have confirmed tickets for the night have gone out to businesses across the county.

Babs Murphy, chief executive of organisers, the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, said: “BIBAs ceremony night will be another one to remember for the hundreds of members of the business community we expect to attend from all four corners of the county.

“Once again, the BIBAs will be spending more than £140,000 with businesses from across Lancashire including ICS which will provide all our audio-visual equipment including enhanced LED screens which will make our production even more compelling.”