Norbreck kids club praised by Ofsted

Norbreck Pre-|School and After School Club  approved by OfstedNorbreck Pre-|School and After School Club  approved by Ofsted
Norbreck Pre-|School and After School Club approved by Ofsted
Blackpool youngsters are so happy at school they can't wait to get there- and even stay behind after class.

That's the verdict of Ofsted inspector Karen Cox after her visit to Norbeck Pre-School and Out of School Club.

The before and after school club is run by Happy Days Lancashire and provides places for up to 70 children every morning before class and after school.

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The inspector was impressed with both the care provided by staff and the facilities on offer to the young charges.

In her final report she said the club met all requirements and added: " Children eagerly arrive at the club.

"They are warmly greeted by kind and caring staff who are keen to listen to children's news as they share what they have been doing during the school day.

"Children show an understanding of routine and confidently put away their belongings before quickly seeking out their friends to share experiences with."

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Staff were described as "positive role models for children" and have high expectations of them, while relationships while relationships with the host school are strong and parents are very happy with the care provided for their children.

Children are very well behaved and also get a chance to make their own sandwiches, pour their own drinks and learn about stringent hygiene procedures.

The inspector added: "Children have wonderful opportunities to be physically active and learn about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle."