Blackpool banned driver high on cannabis led police on a 20-minute chase on Fylde roads

Prestons Sessions House CourtPrestons Sessions House Court
Prestons Sessions House Court
A disqualified driver who took to the Fylde's roads in his mum's car while high on cannabis has been jailed for 14 months and 12 weeks.

Mason Edwards, 21, of Hawes Side Lane, Marton, was already banned from driving due to other motoring offences, but got behind the wheel of his mother’s Peugeot 307.

Hanifa Patel, prosecuting, told a court how Edwards led police on a 20-minute chase down Mythop Road, Preston New Road and Weeton Road as he tried to give officers the slip during the incident on June 17 this year.

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Eventually, officers deployed a stinger but Edwards continued until the tyres of his mum’s car were shredded and the vehicle ground to a halt.

Edwards admitted dangerous driving, and driving while disqualified and without insurance.

He also admitted drug driving and taking the vehicle without consent.

Preston’s Sessions House Court heard it was his second drug-driving conviction.

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The car was driven dangerously on roads, and damage was caused to the wheels of the vehicle.

Edwards has five convictions for 16 offences, including many motoring matters.

Defending, Paul Robinson said: “He drove his mother’s car knowing full well what the consequences could be, and unfortunately he tried to avoid those consequences. He took a chance and he’s under no illusions as to the ultimate sentence.”

Judge Graham Knowles QC, sentencing, said: “ The offences were committed while on bail from this court and that makes it all of this more serious.

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“The courts see cases where people cause death by dangerous driving on roads and because the danger we’re talking about includes the danger of death, that is why you are going to go to prison today.

“True it is that no-one was hurt by what you did and the roads were quiet at the time, and true it is you didn’t always shoot straight through the traffic lights.

“But for very nearly 20 minutes you were trying to give the police the slip, sometimes fairly cunningly, sometimes by putting your foot down hoping to get out of sight.

“At one point, if drivers hadn’t been able to stamp on his or her brakes, there would have been a horrific accident.

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“Even when you’d gone over the stinger you kept on and on and on in less and less control of the vehicle, until there was no tyre left and you almost literally ground to a halt.

“You’re only young but your record makes things worse.”

Edwards was banned from driving for three years, seven months and six weeks, and must do an extended re-test.