Blackpool: From the courts 28-03-16

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.
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Blackpool: From the courts 27-03-16

Philip Ward, 51, burglary

A burglar was trapped by a drink of vodka he took at the crime scene.

Philip Ward’s DNA was found on the bottle he had drunk from after he broke into an outhouse in Blackpool.

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Ward, 51, formerly of Gorton Street, North Shore, now of no fixed address, who pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary, appeared before the court via the videolink from Preston Prison.

His life licence for an offence of robbery was revoked and he was recalled to prison. He was also sentenced to three months in jail.

Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said a woman returned to her home at the rear of Westmorland Avenue on September 3 at 8pm, and saw a side gate open, which was usually shut.

She went to the outhouse and saw her husband’s £500 custom-built racing bike and an £800 surround sound system were gone.

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A bottle of vodka nearby, which had been a quarter full, was now empty. Forensic tests on it showed DNA on it related to Ward.

He had a criminal record of 69 previous offences.

Helen Thompson, 48, drink-driving

A mother-of-two’s driving standard worried a member of the public so much that he reported her to the police.

And when an officer pulled up 48-year-old Helen Thompson’s black Mini Cooper she parked up at an angle with one tyre on the pavement on Blackpool Road, Ansdell.

Thompson was breath tested at the scene and was almost three times the legal limit. However, when she taken to the police station she tried and failed to give a second breath test three times.

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Prosecutor Jim Mowbray told the court:”There was either little or no effort made by the woman which points towards wilful refusal.”

Thompson, of Blackpool Road, Ansdell, admitted failing to give a sample and she was fined and ordered to pay cots totalling £1,400. She was also banned from the road for 21 months.

Raife Sykes, 29, drug possession

An entertainer was caught sniffing drugs in the toilets of a Blackpool bar.

Raife Sykes was then searched by bar security staff who found four bags of Ketamine on him.

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Sykes, 29, of Waterloo Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to illegal possession of the class B drug.

The entertainer who graduated with a degree in performing arts from the Italia Conte stage school, was fined £80 and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said doorstaff at Bar 19 were alerted that Sykes, who had previously been banned from the premises, was in the bar on November 14.

A doorman heard sniffing coming from a cubicle in the gents and opened the door to see Sykes sniffing white powder from a key. Four bags of the drug was found in his pockets and socks.

When interviewed by police Sykes said he had bought the drug for £40 from a man in the resort’s Dickson Road, intending to use it himself.