Blackpool man headbutted and bit his mum, 61, as she tried to assist in row with wife

Crown CourtCrown Court
Crown Court
A man who viciously attacked his 61-year-old mother after she stepped in when he wrecked rooms in his marital home has been given a suspended jail term

Craig Curtis, 42, of Cranbrook Avenue, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to causing her actual bodily harm, criminal damage, and assaulting an emergency worker in the fracas on June 3.

Preston Crown Court heard it was the second time he had headbutted his mother, after a similar incident in 2017.

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David Clarke, prosecuting, said his wife had reported Curtis had been in a "bad mood", culminating in an argument about childcare fees.

Crown CourtCrown Court
Crown Court

At the time her own mother had been staying with them after a bereavement, and they went out, leaving him in the house.

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Mr Clarke said: "By 10pm she did go upstairs and found him in one of the bedrooms under the covers, and noticed the TV on the floor, which was unusual.

"The defendant stated she hadn't yet seen what he'd done in the other room. She went into other bedroom, which had only recently been decorated, to find he had thrown paint all around over various surfaces. Obviously she was upset.

"She said to him if he wasn't happy he should leave.

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"Instead he tried to grab the window blind and come at her with it."

His wife phoned his mother, and the three of them sat downstairs to discuss what to do.

Just after 11pm his mother went upstairs and told him the best thing would be to go home with her until he had calmed down.

But Curtis verbally abused her before leaning forwards, grabbing her arms, and headbutting her twice to the face.

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She managed to get one hand free and shout for help and for police to be called.

Mr Clarke added: "Notwithstanding that, in the ongoing struggle he bit his mother's right hand and tried to bite her again."

The court heard police arrived and Curtis became aggressive to an officer, grabbing his tunic and clenching his fist.

In an interview he said he had drank four cans of cider and taken cannabis.

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Sharon Watson, defending, accepted the incident was "utterly disgraceful" but asked for intervention from support agencies as he had never offended until a couple of years ago.

Recorder Michael Murray imposed 12 months suspended for two years, and a curfew, and said: "You don't need me to tell you that in a fit of petulance you damaged the room.

" There was an argument with your mother was called and the upshot of it was violence from you."