Latest convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Monday, February 18, 2019

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is today's round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Darren Thomas, 28, criminal damage

A man who said he had been robbed kicked-in the door of an off-licence claiming the staff were not helping him.

Darren Thomas, 28, of St Annes Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to causing damage. He was given a two year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £400 compensation.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Thomas went into Bargain Booze, Red Bank Road, between 7.30am and 8am on January 21, saying he had been robbed and asking staff to call the police.

He left but returned 20 minutes later shouting that staff were doing nothing to help him.

Staff called 999 and Thomas threatened that if the police did not arrive quickly enough he would smash the place up.

Shortly after he kicked the shop door breaking the reinforced glass at the bottom.

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Thomas told police he had gaps in his memory and sometimes forgot whole days.

Martin Hillson, defending, said after being released from prison, Thomas went to stay with a friend and the night before the offence they drank a lot. There was an incident and Thomas believed he had had money stolen from him. He then got upset because he thought the shop staff were not helping him.

Sandie Allen, 34, theft

A woman stole meat valued at £60 after getting the news that her mother had been diagnosed with cancer,

Sandie Allen, 34, of Onslow Road, Layton, pleaded guilty to theft.

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She was given a 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 costs with £20 victims’ discharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said Allen was seen at Asda, Welbeck Avenue, putting 13 packets of meat in a bag on November 11, and she was detained after leaving without paying.

Brett Chappell, defending, said at the time Allen’s benefits had been suspended and she needed money to feed herself and get electricity.

The day of the offences she got the news of her mum’s cancer diagnoses and went shoplifting after drinking a lot of alcohol.

Terry Ward, 29, racial harassment

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A 29-year-old Blackpool man accused of racially aggravated harassment of a civilian detention officer in the cells of the town’s main police station has appeared at court.

Terry Ward of Buchanan Street denies the charge and his trial will take place on April 30, magistrate decided.

Ward was bailed pending that trial on condition he resides at his given address.

Man, 28, change of bail conditions

A man who has been questioned by police in connection with an allegation of child abuse had an application to have his bail conditions changed refused.

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The man is on police bail until February 28. Lancashire police objected to his application.

He cannot be named for legal reasons.

Magistrates said that the bail condition that the 28-year-old who comes from Blackpool must not have any contact with children unless approved by social services must remain.

Aron Goff, 39, and John Yardley, 54, theft

Two prolific shoplifters stole electric toothbrushes valued at more than £300 aiming to sell them to buy heroin.

Aron Goff, 39, of Dawlish Avenue, and John Yardley, 54, of Mibourne Street, both of Blackpool, each admitted two offences of theft.

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They were each sentenced to six weeks jail, suspended for 18 months and ordered to pay £155 compensation.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said the defendant stole two electric toothbrushes from Superdrug, Hounds Hill, on January 21.

The next day they returned to the same store and took three electric toothbrushes.

Goff, who had a record of 47 offences of theft and Yardley, who had a record of 30 thefts and similar offences, both told police they stole to buy heroin.

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John McLaren, defending Goff, said his client had relapsed back into taking heroin at the time of the offences but with the help of a rehabilitation agency he no longer took drugs.

Brett Chappell, for Yardley, said his client’s life had been destroyed by his addiction to heroin but he was now getting help.