Pepper spray used by police after 999 call

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Two men were arrested during a fracas with police after 999 calls were made from a North Shore address.

Matthew Bryan-Dixon had to be pepper-sprayed after struggling with police and Kenneth Jay was apprehended after telling officers to try and arrest him.

Bryan-Dixon, 24, and Jay, 54, both of Gorton Street, each admitted breach of the peace.

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Bryan-Dixon was bound over in the sum of £200 for 12 months and Jay bound over in the sum of £100 for 12 months by District Judge Jeff Brailsford sitting at Blackpool Magistrates’ Court.

Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said police went round to the defendants Gorton Street address at 1am last Friday, after 999 calls were received from there claiming there was a disturbance in the street between people using knives and other weapons and if officers did not attend the occupants would sort it out themselves.

Both defendants denied any knowledge of the calls.

They were aggressive with officers and then started wrestling between themselves, spilling out into the garden.

Police told them both to get back in or they would be arrested and Jay replied “try it.” Bryan-Dixon resisted arrest and was pepper-sprayed.

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Bryan-Dixon told the judge he had nothing to say about the incident.

Jay said it was all lies.

He had been in bed with his wife and knew nothing about any disturbance outside.

He had been half asleep when police arrived. He said the officers had been aggressive and got upset when 
he asked them to stand outside.