Watch: Bizarre antics of 'Neighbour from Hell' in Spiderman mask who made life hell for elderly neighbours

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'Neighbour from Hell' Liam Bain donned Spiderman and Super Mario masks in a bizarre reign of terror against his elderly neighbours - and nobody knows why...

The 34-year-old was jailed for 18 weeks at Preston Crown Court this week after his strange and sinister behaviour left residents feeling intimidated, depressed and afraid to leave their homes. Some even considered moving house to escape him.

Liam Bain was jailed after a court heard his bizarre behaviour left residents feeling intimidated, depressed and afraid leave their homes. Some even considered moving house to escape himLiam Bain was jailed after a court heard his bizarre behaviour left residents feeling intimidated, depressed and afraid leave their homes. Some even considered moving house to escape him
Liam Bain was jailed after a court heard his bizarre behaviour left residents feeling intimidated, depressed and afraid leave their homes. Some even considered moving house to escape him | Lancashire Police

Over the past decade he made the lives of his neighbours in Longton – aged in their 60,70s and 80s - a living hell.

This behaviour included:

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• Walking past their houses wearing a Spiderman mask or balaclava in an intimidatory manner

• Spitting when they walked past his house

• Shouting at the one of the male victims as he went to work

• Staring at a male victim while either flexing his muscles or shadow boxing

• Harassing workmen working at two of the victims’ property and offering them arm wrestles or a fight

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• Spraying one of the female victim’s cars with a jet wash while she was driving past to make her think she had hit something. Once she got out of the car to check, Bain then soaked her and shouted abuse at her

• Kicking a football at their houses in an effort to intimidate them

• Makes V-signs at their family members when they come to visit, and followed the family members back to their homes

• Beeping his horn when he saw them in the street, flashing his headlights and staring at them

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• Shining a laser pen at one of the female victim’s while she was driving, causing her to swerve

• Using his leaf blowers in the early hours of the morning.

• Playing loud music from his van at 4am outside victims homes

• Saying to one of his victims: “You lot can't do anything about it, I will still be here when all of you are dead.”

Bain, 34, from Leyland, pleaded guilty to five counts of harassment and was jailed for 18 weeks when he appeared before a judge at Preston Crown Court on Monday.

He was also issued with a restraining order, banning him from entering the streets where the offences took place or contacting his victims directly or indirectly for the next five years.

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