Letters - February 16, 2016

Prime Minister David Cameron (4th left) chairs a meeting of business leaders at No 10 Downing Street in London to discuss mental health issues in the work place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday February 15, 2016. The Prime Minister has said he is "committed" to putting mental and physical health care on an equal footing in response to a report on the future of mental health services. See PA story HEALTH MentalHealth. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA WirePrime Minister David Cameron (4th left) chairs a meeting of business leaders at No 10 Downing Street in London to discuss mental health issues in the work place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday February 15, 2016. The Prime Minister has said he is "committed" to putting mental and physical health care on an equal footing in response to a report on the future of mental health services. See PA story HEALTH MentalHealth. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
Prime Minister David Cameron (4th left) chairs a meeting of business leaders at No 10 Downing Street in London to discuss mental health issues in the work place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday February 15, 2016. The Prime Minister has said he is "committed" to putting mental and physical health care on an equal footing in response to a report on the future of mental health services. See PA story HEALTH MentalHealth. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
CAMERONThis is indeed '˜scandalous'The Gazette's headlines of February 11 is '˜Scandalous,' and quite right too, the barefaced corruption of this lot, Cameron and his cronies. Public services are collapsing because of his austerity policies and he doesn't care until his own mother kicks off about cuts to children's centres in her patch.

The dead wood tories kick him for similar monstrosities in the leafy suburbs, suddenly cash is found to protect them, but nothing for the masses.

Now we are allowing the stinking rich to hijack the country. We all know what needs to be done, we need to get very angry and quickly with them. Disloyal Labour MPs should stop sniping and scheming and start backing their leader and begin taking on the sleaze ridden tories.

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There can be no doubt about the misery to be inflicted on the vast majority of us, so can they start now.

Royston Jones

Beryl Avenue



No credible oppostion

There was a period in the 1870’s when an astute writer to the Times said he had never known a time: “when English politics were held in such low esteem’. He was referring, he said, to “the incompetent and ineffectual opposition in the Commons”.

If alive today, he would repeat his criticism with even more force for a credible and competent opposition is no more. It is a mirage.

The Liberal Democrats no longer cause a blip on the political radar. The Labour Party ship is being steered slowly but perceptibly towards treacherous rocks by a captain and crew who are not only blind to the approaching peril they have lost the ship’s compass and have no lifeboats.

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The recent revelations about UKIP signal a party facing oblivion. Faced with bankruptcy and tales of serious mismanagement plus a leadership at loggerheads with his team, it is a party that is not approaching rocks it is already on them.

Dr Barry Clayton



Time we embraced electric landaus

In reference to your correspondent Debbie Fogg and ‘Whats the problem with resort icons?’ in Monday’s Gazette.

Just because Landaus have been part of Blackpool for years does not mean that it will be a benefit to keep them. Dwelling in the past is part of Blackpool’s problem, Blackpool needs to move forward and embrace new ideas and set much higher standards for itself. The reason we don’t have political conferences here any longer is because both the council and hoteliers have under invested in the past and not updated the venues and establishments.

I am by no means a lover of taxis, (who seem to think because they drive a taxi they can stop, park or pull out where and when they like.) However, they don’t defecate along the promenade and at various points throughout the town leaving a smelling unsightly mess. It also does not surprise me that there are more incidents involving taxis than Landaus, there must be 100 times more taxis on the roads of Blackpool.

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Why not invest in the future and develop a electric version of the Landau to make Blackpool cleaner and well placed for the years to come.

Lets dispense with the old fashioned, outdated ones we have now!

Adrian L Hunter

via email


Common sense on trams prevails

It would seem common sense has prevailed and Wyre’s council tax payers have been saved a fortune on the tram service between Fleetwood and Blackpool.

According to The Gazette last week, the funding for tram track maintenance is being paid by the transport authorities of Blackpool and Lancashire County, as it should be, and pensioners can now use their concessionary cards to get to Blackpool and Cleveleys.

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If County Coun Beavers had had her way last year, Wyre Council tax payers would now be footing the £314,000 bill, meaning a 4 per cent increase in council tax, and County would have been pocketing £314,000 of government transitional funding.

After all, at just over £41m the good people of Wyre are the second biggest contributors of Council tax in Lancashire and so deserve some good news.

Well done Councillor Gibson and Wyre for holding out on behalf of your council tax payers.

Coun Gordon McCann

Wyre Council


Cameron should have sent letter

I do not know why Cameron is running ragged round Europe begging - surely he should have sent an open letter to all government heads stating exactly what he was demanding them to talk it over with themselves and get back to him, before he decides to stay or go.

J Williams

Church Street
