Police hunt man after car driven at paramedic in Blackpool

Police are appealing for witnesses after a vehicle was driven at an on-duty paramedic in Blackpool.

Officers say the ambulance worker managed to jump out of the way of the car, but suffered an ankle injury in the process.

The incident occurred on Bournemouth Road in Blackpool at around 9.10pm on Saturday March 17.

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The vehicle is described as a silver 4x4 Toyota, possibly being a newer model.

The driver is described as a white male and approximately 60-years-old.

A police spokesman said: “We would appreciate if anyone with any information - or the driver themselves - contact either PC 5996 Moore or PC 6857 Morris by email at either 6857@lancashire.pnn.police.uk or 5996@lancashire.pnn.police.uk.

“Alternatively they can ring Blackpool Police on 101 quoting log number LC-20180317-1339 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.”