Step by step...£63m sea wall looms ever closer

Rossall beach contructionRossall beach contruction
Rossall beach contruction
The construction of new sea defences to protect thousands of homes from flooding has reached a major milestone.

The installation of a stepped wall at Rossall beach means the project has officially passed its half-way mark.

The £63m coastal defence scheme, which began two years ago, will see the replacement of two kilometres of defences from Rossall Hospital to Rossall Point, protecting 7,500 properties from the risk of flooding.

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Coun Roger Berry, cabinet member with responsibility for sea defences at Wyre Council, said people could expect the new defences to be up and running as early as next year.

He said: “The installation of the first precast concrete stepped revetment units marks significant progress in the construction of the defences.

“Much of the work for the first two years has been focused on the importation and placement of rock armour to the lower revetment but now we can see the rest of the defences starting to take shape.

“This work is absolutely vital to reduce the risk of coastal flooding to homes in this community. Local residents have been very supportive of the building work and logistics involved and the necessary closure of the promenade.

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“The good news is that the project is progressing extremely well and on track to be finished by the end of next year.”

1,185m of steel piles have already been put in place at the new defences, along with 850m of rock revetment.

Five of 18 groynes have been completed, with seven more partially built.

More than 210,000 tonnes of rock has been imported.

Simon Barker, project director at Balfour Beatty and main contractor for the sea defences, said: “The rock armour in the lower defences is progressing well and importation of rock is ahead of schedule. This now enables us to commence the upper revetment structure with installation of the precast concrete units.

“It’s great to see the hard work of Wyre Council, the Environment Agency and Balfour Beatty coming together resulting in a world class coastal defence scheme.”