Vigilante threw rock through sex offender's window

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A man hurled a missile at a convicted sex offender's home as the offender was targeted by vigilantes in Fleetwood.

Cameron Millard was part of the crowd which gathered outside the man’s home after it was discovered he was on the Sex Offenders Register.
Millard and others were described as being concerned about the man’s presence.
Millard, a 25-year-old scaffolder, of Heathfield Road, Fleetwood, pleaded guilty to causing damage.
He was fined £166 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £100 compensation plus £30 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.
Presiding magistrate, Janet Wardell, told him: “This was a targeted victim. The harm caused was a broken window and distress to the victim and his family.”
Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said a man was watching television in his living room on July 29 at 9.30pm, and his wife and child were upstairs when noise started outside.

It had become known the man was on the Sex Offenders Register and he had been called names and told he should not be living in that road.
The man’s fence had been daubed with graffiti in the past.
Millard shouted “gotcha” then picked up a rock and threw it, breaking the man’s living room window.
Patrick Nelligan, defending, told magistrates: “It is not an easy situation. People became aware someone was on the Sex Offenders Register in the street which is inhabited by a number of children including the defendant’s nephews and nieces.
“He admits he lost his temper. The avenue to go to would have been the police.”