Wedding day was perfect from start to finish

Matthew and Fay StoneMatthew and Fay Stone
Matthew and Fay Stone
Historic St Chad's Church was the venue for the marriage of Fay Taziker Logan and Matthew John Stone.

Historic St Chad’s Church was the venue for the marriage of Fay Taziker Logan and Matthew John Stone.The couple in Fleetwood but Fay, a school liason officer and events co-ordinator is orginally from Farnworth and Matthew, a tutor in a pupil referral unit, is from Ireland.They met whilst they were both working in events - Fay as an events manager for Twelve Restaurant in Thornton and Matthew, as a part-time event supervisor at the Marine Hall.It was the Mayor’s Ball and Matthew was in charge whilst Fay was organising the catering. They swapped numbers but it was a while before they both plucked up the courage to get in touch. Matthew said: “The proposal happened at a little Italian restaurant in Cleveleys. We had talked about getting married for some time so we went for dinner just on a random date night and I was messing around saying to Fay why don’t we just get married.“She said that I had to do it properly and that I couldn’t just asked her when we were out for dinner.“Then I left it for a few minutes before I pulled the ring out of my pocket got down on one knee and asked ‘will you marry me?’“Her initial reaction was shock but luckily she still said yes.”

Their wedding day was perfect from start to finish.From waking up to personalised wedding gifts from one another to dancing the night away - it was a very special day.The service was lead by Shaun Baldwin, a family friend, which gave a personal touch to the ceremony.And then it was on to the rock gardens at Bispham for pictures before heading to the Imperial Hotel for the reception.Guests arrived at the Imperial on a vintage bus hired from Blackpool Transport.A caracturist, magician, a fun casino and music from The Versions gave for an entertaining day.

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Fay, 27, said: “It was amazing! “I have found the love of my life and the person that makes me laugh out loud. “I was so excited to get into the church and get down the aisle to see him. “He turned to me - after not peeking once - to say you look gorgeous! “After that the whole day ran smoothly without a hitch. It was so lovely to have all our friends and family in one place to celebrate such a special occasion.”Matthew, 30, added: “It was the most magical day that you could ever imagine surrounded by people that you love, your friends your family but most of all walking out of that church with the woman that you want to spend the rest of your life with.“Being able to call Faye my wife makes me a very lucky man indeed.”

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